The man of my dreams (but not really) and his forest Elf is done. This study painting with an old school glazing technique turned out into something unrealistic
Spoiler: Don’t listen to the cosmic music before falling asleep. Current work in progress this time has a short story. A couple of months ago I downloaded a spectacular video track of Shpongle, called “HOW THE JELLYFISH JUMPED UP THE MOUNTAIN”. I got hypnotized by it. I went to bed with jellyfishes, I woke up with them. They somehow got stuck in my head. Finally, jellyfish left me after finding its place on this canvas
You never know when it’s done. Are they balloons or planets? Is he catching or releasing them? Whatever audience decides. Everything suits...

Some idea credits to: unknown pinterest collage artist
What is real?
I don’t know how to describe my feelings. Am I kind of fulfilled? Seriously, it took me a while to finish that piece and I’m still like that girl on that painting (myself actually) living half real, half imaginary life. Btw, everything on that piece happened for real. 
Here is my collection preview for the next NFT drop
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